MPs are destroying jobs. They don’t deserve to keep theirs

Peter Hitchens is advocating a sensible email campaign, telling his readers to contact their MP and say, quite simply, ‘If you destroy the livelihoods of others now, do not expect to keep your seat’.

Unsurprisinlgy, we at Bournbrook support this campaign, and urge our readers to join it.

MPs will vote on the tiered system this week, under which ninety-eight per cent of Englishmen will live under the strictest restrictions, damaging businesses, health, and livelihoods. This is lockdown under another name.

There is little we can do about this. But, if enough people email their MP to tell them that their seat will not be safe at the next election should they support the continuation of lockdown, they may be more likely to come to understand the extent of the damage they have caused.

Michael Curzon

Michael Curzon is the Editor of Bournbrook Magazine. He is also Assistant Editor of The Conservative Woman.

Lockdown calls for a very English resistance this Christmas


The right to protest