Get the snip to save the world

By eliminating the possibility of ever having children through an irreversible operation, the anti-masculine and men-hating creed of modern liberalism reaches its apogee.

It has been observed that men adopt wokeness as a form of mating strategy. By showing their ‘good guy’ credentials, and perhaps wearing a t-shirt emblazoned with the chunder-worthy phrase ‘this is what a feminist looks like’, they are just trying to work their way into the biodegradable undies of a female wokester.

Yet with the inexorable rise of rampant leftism, it now requires more than simply wearing a virtue signalling t-shirt made in a Bangladeshi sweatshop. Today, one increasingly has to go the whole hog by getting your plums snipped.

All in the name of the environment, natch. According to The Guardian (where else?), a growing number of young men are eliminating their bloodline by electing to have a vasectomy.

Whereas in the past such a procedure was largely given to the already excessively fecund, today it is the virtue signalling accessory of choice for a growing number of young men whom our society has successfully ruined.

Successfully, of course, because by eliminating the possibility of ever having children through an irreversible operation (they handily ignore that you can avoid pregnancies by other, less invasive methods), the anti-masculine and men-hating creed of modern liberalism reaches its apogee, short of castrating the chaps in question.

Ruined, on the other hand, because this trend (although one should not confuse mass uptake and something pushed by the lifestyle section of The Guardian) reveals quite how deeply the brainwashing runs.

According to many young people today, there is simply no light at the end of the tunnel. It’s just downhill from here. The world will become a raging inferno of heteronormative fires and climate destruction. Hence, there is no sense in making some sprogs: you will be ushering them into a world of unparalleled misery.

There is the point that by selectively removing yourself from the gene pool you will be ensuring that victory is claimed by whoever is left around. You can scream and whine till your dying days, but when that day comes you’ll just be making way for the more willingly fertile.

Observe also the sheer hyperbole. Humanity has come through its bloodiest century ever, with millions left dead in the wake of totalitarianism and mindless conflict. Yet, here we all still are. As for forecasts of climate disaster: if the incessant inaccuracy almost every Covid-related prediction carries does not make you reconsider The Science’s supposed ability to foresee everything, then perhaps it is better that you do not reproduce after all.

All of this is a particularly Western trend, adopted most readily by our self-hating, post-Christian societies. Self-loathing is the new religion, and in a society obsessed only with itself, taking the role of martyr (Milo, he got a vasectomy for our climate sins) is fulfilling a deeply religious yearning which the modern atheist denies even exists.

If it were just about the environment a truly brave eco-warrior would perhaps consider international fertility rates. Were the problem simply of too many souls on the planet, perhaps a trip to Niger (fertility rate of 6.8), Somalia (6.0) or DR Congo (5.8) is in order. Perhaps they could crowdfund for a vasectomy clinic to open in Kinshasa, though they would have to contend with accusations of ‘black genocide’, thereby swiftly forfeiting the virtue signalling points gained by making themselves an eco-eunuch.

Not that it matters too much. What these people are saying is ‘look at me’ and ‘let me enjoy myself’. In having children you are not saving the environment, you are stroking your own ego. If you are so desperate to reduce your carbon footprint – if the ‘climate crisis’ were so acute – you could just off yourself today. But, of course, you won’t, because, despite the incessant whining and catastrophising, you find being around worthwhile enough to keep going.

It is the culmination of the modern West’s solipsistic descent into self-obliterating myopia. Liberalism’s obsession with the first person singular, combined with the corrosive ideologies spread by a compromised education system and useful idiots in government and media, together with the Millenarian obsessions of modern environmentalism, finds its most perfect expression in this act of self-destruction.

Life is a long time and to make such irreversible decisions at a young age, as those described in The Guardian’s piece are, is not without risk. Should we one day come to find out that the ‘climate emergency’ is not quite as severe as we had once imagined (after all, it’s not like alarmist predictions about rising sea-levels or mass extinctions have proven wrong before), these young men will discovered they will have been duped into an act of self-mutilation.

But still, it forms part of a trend. Irreversible and unnecessary procedures are carried out more and more in the name of ideological necessity. Children rushed into gender reassignment surgery, young men convinced to castrate themselves: they are victims of the same, malicious trend.

Frederick Edward

Frederick Edward is from the Midlands. You can visit his Substack here.


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