Labour’s pathetic politicking

If Labour actually cared about workers, they would reject the Government’s job-destroying measures outright.

Labour’s decision to abstain in today’s vote on the Government’s tiered lockdown system provides some hope - however small - that these measures might actually be rejected in the Commons.

The question is, are there enough Conservative MPs who place the country above their Party (and, indeed, their careers)?

This is not, however, a call for praise of the Labour Party. Their act constitutes nothing more than dirty politicking. Labour knows exactly what it is doing; if the Government’s measures pass in the House, Labour’s hands are ‘clean’ of the damage caused by continued lockdown (in another name); if they are rejected, the Government is humiliated, and is seen as weak. In neither case can Labour be seen as noble - or, indeed, as acting like an opposition should.

If Labour actually cared about workers, they would reject the Government’s job-destroying measures outright. Anything less should be regarded as a shirking of responsibilities by the Labour Party. It’s hands are as dirty in all of this as that of the Conservatives

Michael Curzon

Michael Curzon is the Editor of Bournbrook Magazine. He is also Assistant Editor of The Conservative Woman.

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