No White Man’s Sky: the RAF’s discriminatory hiring
The RAF is trying to reach ‘impossible’ diversity targets by pausing employment offers to more than worthy white male recruits.
When our captured institutions began to place ‘progressive’ politics over their purpose, they were always bound to focus more on the skin-deep characteristics of those they would assign to do the job, rather than pay any attention to getting the job done.
This subversive mindset has culminated in Her Majesty’s Royal Air Force (RAF) losing one of their prized female officers, who handed in her notice as she could not stomach to receive a pay check from an organisation stuck between Jim Crow America and the laissez-faire ‘take it easy’ culture of the 1960s.
According to her, the RAF is trying to reach ‘impossible’ diversity targets by pausing employment offers to more than worthy white male recruits in favour of less qualified women and ethnic minority applicants.
While the military is trying to paint its own colours rather than call men to it, with Admiral Sir Tony Radakin, the head of the Armed Forces, demanding that the institution under his control be made more diverse just for the sake of it, it weakens Britain’s resolve to fight a war.
Meritocracy exists for a reason, and it wasn’t grown in a laboratory by Medieval kings with the express purpose to subjugate and marginalise, whatever your postmodern professor may tell you.
Even our mammoth-hunting ancestors knew that the tastiest kills went to those with the intellect and strength to seize it from a very dangerous wilderness.
At a time when war has returned to Europe and threatens to ignite in the Orient, it is clear where our RAF’s priorities lie. A regiment of HR pencil pushers has launched a silent coup d’état, and they are hell-bent on endangering us all. Their battlefield is a land of spreadsheets and census-like characteristic tick-boxes rather than bullets and bomb craters.
Their enemy isn’t the former Soviet security chiefs lurking in the Kremlin - should you be a white male, their enemy is you, for you are standing in their way of their face-value utopia.