The Great Removal
The innate conservatism of the people is waiting to be harnessed in a mass cause.
The fact that a European judge in Strasbourg halted enactment of the Government’s policy of removing asylum seekers to Rwanda, will accelerate existing momentum. The sight of a single judge preventing the will of the British public being implemented (regardless of whatever one thinks of the policy) will cause more of the population to welcome a break from human rights legislation and international agreements (as well as the expulsion of pro-migration NGOs) when it comes.
The huge surge in visas granted during 2021-2 and the refusal (or inability) of the Conservative Government to reduce mass immigration may lead to regime change. Despite a near total blanket of silence on (public) debate over immigration (with career/friendship-ending accusations of racism hanging over dissenters), many have noticed the negative impact of immigration. The influx of first-generation immigrants who do not speak English, refuse to integrate, disproportionately commit crimes and impose social costs upon the host nation, are commonly discussed.
It is clear the liberalist elite controls every political party, the civil service, the Church, education, mass media, police, army and legal system, and its control is reinforced through mass migration and demoralisation of the native population. The role of NGOs in facilitating migration shows how the liberal elite operates covertly as well as overtly.
Despite absolute silence in the mainstream media on the matter of demographic replacement and the establishment’s use of migrants as client groups, one third of Americans believe that demographic replacement (or the Great Replacement) is real. In France, 61% of people take the same view. “The West has an increasingly non-native population.” Say that sentence with a smile and you are a multicultural liberal, a member of the enlightened educated class. Say that sentence with a frown and you are a conspiracy theorist, a member of the lumpen racist class. In other words, the fact is undisputed, only the expression of disapproval is forbidden.
Those liberalists who consider talk of the Great Replacement to be the utmost extremity, beware. Never mind the Great Replacement, worry about the Great Removal. People are ready for a new regime (wholly unconnected with the current political parties) to take action on migration. That Great Removal would involve the complete ending of mass migration, the deportation of illegal immigrants, the rejection of all new asylum claims and concerted action to remove foreign-born criminals. It would necessarily involve a substantial reduction in acceptance of foreign customs and expressions of foreign cultures. And it would be done with overwhelming public support.
These factors have led us to a dangerous situation: the elite working explicitly against the native population; mass migration for the benefit of the elite; failure to integrate migrants; sabotaging of democratic channels that could change this situation; and (crucially) a development in political thought. That development is that a growing number of reactionaries have read and understood elite theory. This says that the elite imposes its will and values upon the people; it never follows the people.
What does this mean? It means that reactionaries know that if they gain power and implement a plan like the Great Removal, they do not have to persuade the public, they do not need focus groups, they do not need democratic endorsement. They know that the majority of the public (even supposed liberals, devoted to pro-migration causes) would toe the line under a new regime, even without coercion. The point here is not that public sentiment against migration and multi-culturalism is growing and that will lead to a popular uprising. The point is that the reactionaries who might be in position to act unilaterally without popular mobilisation, have noticed this shift. They know that regime change and a Great Removal as a matter of national priority would be quickly accepted once they had power.
Reactionaries know that they don’t have to engage in a multi-year plan to argue their cause or win in the marketplace of ideas. As soon as they gained power, their cause would become the default standard for ordinary people and the non-governing elite. Just as patriotic nationalism (or localism) was the norm for centuries, so it could be again. The innate conservatism of the people is waiting to be harnessed in a mass cause, such as the Great Removal.
The liberalist establishment has only one way to prevent a Great Removal; that is by ending mass migration and commencing deportation of illegal immigrants. Liberals, if you want your values to last and prevent a reactionary wave, the only way to avoid a Great Removal is by acting now.