Independent thought

Posted at 11am UK time

It is time to stop using the word ‘independence’ when referring to the Scottish National Party’s desire for Scotland to leave the UK.

An independent thinker is one who is free of groupthink. An independent woman is a female making her own successful way in life, free of society’s expectations. When a 21 year old gets his own flat, he is said to have become independent. A rich man is one of independent means. An independent pub is free of the overweening control of a large chain. Through history, independence movements have freed peoples from their erstwhile colonial masters.

It is clear why the SNP would want us to refer to Scottish ‘independence’, but less clear why we should let them engage in this sort of psychological operation.

It would be far more neutral to use the words ‘secede’, ‘secession’ and ‘secessionists’.

Given the SNP’s plans for Scotland involve using somebody else’s currency, having no control over monetary policy, using the ECJ as its supreme court, subordinating Scottish law to EU law, relinquishing control of its borders, and giving up jurisdiction of its coastal waters, secession would probably be a more accurate word than independence, too.

A D M Collingwood

A D M Collingwood is the writer and Editor of BritanniQ, a free, weekly newsletter by Bournbrook Magazine which curates essays, polemics, podcasts, books, biographies and quietly patriotic beauty, and sends the best directly to the inboxes of intelligent Britons.


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