Sage is pushing for more lockdowns because of Covid variants

Posted at 10am UK time

Concerns are starting to rise over the latest mutation of Covid, namely the Indian variant.

Already we hear that Sage is advising an immediate slowdown of the exit ‘roadmap’, with the possibility of yet another national lockdown firmly on the table. It seems history is repeating itself in pandemic season once again, with the PM being confronted by the medical lobby with either the choice of local restrictions or full lockdown.

This reminds me of the ‘Tier Four’ restrictions that lasted a very small amount of time before the PM bowed to Sage once again and threw us all into the same crippling restrictions.

Regardless of what occurs, this will be painted as an inevitability. Instead of tightening the borders or using track and trace intensely, the harshest route is being taken first. Watch this space, and let us hope that the vaccines can prevent another repeat of the lockdown saga.

William Parker

William Parker is a Bournbrook Columnist.


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