Posted 4.20pm UK time

Regular readers of Bournbrook won’t be surprised by the Chief Economic Advisor at HM Treasury’s admission that the Treasury did not forecast the economic impact of a second lockdown.

Answering questions for the Treasury Select Committee, Clare Lombardelli said that whilst some analysis from external organisations has been considered by the tax-payer funded body, ‘we haven’t done […] very specific predictions or estimates on specific restrictions’, such as the closing of pubs, gyms, and the directive for people to work from home (or, of course, not at all).

No wonder the government’s response to the coronavirus has been so damaging, disproportionate, and wrong.

Kate Andrews has written some interesting analysis on this worrying statement for The Spectator, here.

Michael Curzon

Michael Curzon is the Editor of Bournbrook Magazine. He is also Assistant Editor of The Conservative Woman.
