Posted 7.40pm UK time

An excerpt from Oliver Stanley’s article on UK-US relations under a President Biden in our upcoming print issue:

‘Much has been speculated about what a President Biden will mean for the U.K. but how much of it really matters?

‘On a post-Brexit trade deal, it seems unlikely that negotiating outcomes will differ greatly. Biden has similar international trade priorities to his predecessor, whose willingness to personally intervene to get the U.K. a deal was in my view grossly overestimated by some elements of the Conservative party and many in the media.

‘On policy, the U.K. Conservatives are not far from the U.S. Democrats on a larger range of issues than many would think. Climate change and infrastructure are two key areas. Beyond Europe, foreign policy should also not be too difficult an area to find common ground. If the Prime Minister plays his cards right, the Biden administration can be an opportunity for Britain, not an obstacle.’

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