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S D Wickett S D Wickett

Steve Double, Tory MP:

Thanks Johnson for bringing the G7 summit to Cornwall, before asking the PM to commit to economic growth in Cornwall.

The PM agrees, giving praise to the county, and precariously agreeing to the request..sort of.

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S D Wickett S D Wickett

Opposition Leader Keir Starmer:

Starmer opens with comments on the Sarah Everard murder, asks the PM if this is a ‘turning point’.

Johnson agrees, cites the ‘wholly justified’ response, and calls for ‘cultural and social change’. An oddly wholesome exchange between the two thus far.

Starmer raises the point of legal protections around harassment and stalking, asks the PM to commit to taking said measures forward.

Johnson says he is happy to look at new proposals, cites existing sanctions and the new policing bill (which Labour voted against). Starmer says he will ‘come to that later’. He then pivots to sexual violence and assault, lamenting the lack of support for victims. Asks the PM to commit to a ‘victims law’.

Johnson again says he is happy to look at new proposals, pledges a further £100m. ‘I don’t pretend that this is the solution, it’s part of the solution’. It seems the two are buddies this week.

Starmer says the next challenge is to further prosecutions for sex crimes. Asks the PM what he is going to do now.

Johnson rambles about courts, investments, and halfway releases from prison. Starmer reminds Johnson that he was a Crown Prosecutor, giving three examples of lax sentences for sexual predators, asking the PM to toughen sentences. Johnson again goes after Labour for voting against the policing bill.

Starmer addresses the bill, lamenting the clauses around vandalism of statues before resuming the courteous nature of the discussion. Starmer requests a meeting to discuss further measures. Johnson refutes critique of the bill, before ignoring the meeting request.

The speaker draws an end to a once-in-a-blue-moon interaction between the PM and the Labour leader.

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S D Wickett S D Wickett

Simon Fell, Tory MP:

Asks the PM about a rescinded investment in his seat and requests a meeting.

Johnson expresses his ‘deepest sympathies’, and accepts the meeting request.

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S D Wickett S D Wickett

Session about to begin as Boris Johnson wishes the chamber a happy St. Patricks Day.

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S D Wickett S D Wickett

Posted at 11:55 UK time

Good morning, and welcome to this weeks coverage of PMQ’s for Bournbrook Live. I’m S.D. Wickett, and I’ll be taking you through proceedings.

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S D Wickett S D Wickett

That’s it for today, keep an eye out for the full write-up tomorrow morning, and we’ll see you next week.

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S D Wickett S D Wickett

James Grundy, Tory MP:

Another softball on the ‘levelling up’ agenda, asks the PM to back his plans to reopen train stations.

Johnson agrees.

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S D Wickett S D Wickett

Alison McGovern, Labour MP:

Asks the PM about zero-hours contracts.

Johnson says he is ‘proud’ of what he has done.

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S D Wickett S D Wickett

Damien Moore, Tory MP:

Asks the PM about the ‘levelling up’ plan, and invites the PM to visit Southport. Softball.

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S D Wickett S D Wickett

Karin Smyth, Labour MP:

Asks the PM to either support youth employment drives, or apologise to young people. A strangely antagonistic question seemingly out of the blue.

Johnson bumbles through various statistics and government schemes.

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S D Wickett S D Wickett

Theo Clarke, Tory MP:

Asks the PM about mental-health support during the pandemic.

Johnson trots the recent party line on mental heath support, and references the appointment of a mental heath ambassador.

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S D Wickett S D Wickett

Dan Carden, Labour MP:

Asks the PM about alcohol related deaths during the pandemic.

Johnson thanks the question, and announces investments in mental heath support.

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S D Wickett S D Wickett

Chris Loder, Tory MP:

Asks the PM about scarce rail resources in West Dorset and the wider South West.

Johnson praises Loder and pledges to support the region.

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S D Wickett S D Wickett

Kate Osamor, Labour MP:

Asks the PM about protections for beauty salons throughout the nation.

Johnson shares his regret for the predicament, refers again to the roadmap, and successfully evades the sting of the question.

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S D Wickett S D Wickett

Sheryll Murray, Tory MP:

Asks the PM about the EU’s intervention in UK fish exports, and for him to help promote British-caught fish. Softball.

Johnson agrees to the request. Utterly pointless.

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S D Wickett S D Wickett

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S D Wickett S D Wickett

Claire Hanna, SDLP MP:

Asks the PM about NHS workers, and taxes on tech giants, such as Amazon.

Johnson acknowledges the issues with Amazon, but doesn’t really answer the question.

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S D Wickett S D Wickett

Lia Nici, Tory MP:

Asks the PM about Free-ports and the new ‘lifetime skills’ training program. Softball.

Johnson endorses his own scheme.

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S D Wickett S D Wickett

David Linden, SNP MP:

Asks the PM about Universal Credit, why other benefits weren’t increased.

Johnson responds with vague words on the pandemic before addressing hitting the SNP with the same point he often makes against Labour, that they wanted to abolish UC in their last manifesto.

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S D Wickett S D Wickett

Paul Holmes, Tory MP:

And now for the softball….

Holmes really takes the cake this week. He begins by talking about the M27, before seriously asking the PM to endorse Tory candidates in the local elections. Johnson enthusiastically agrees, obviously.

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