Posted 9.50am UK time

Thus far, we’ve focused primary on the presidential race, so here’s where things stand in down the ballot contests. Democratic hopes of taking back the Senate are looking slim after they failed to win key races in Iowa, Maine and Montana, and are on track to lose in Alaska and North Carolina. As expected, Democrat Doug Jones has also lost his seat in Alabama. Democrat John Hickenlooper has won the Senate race in Colorado, while Mark Kelly appears set to defeat incumbent Republican Martha McSally in Arizona. So far, this puts the party on forty-eight seats (including two independents who caucus with the Democrats), two short of a majority assuming that Kamala Harris ends up elected as vice president.

As a result, Senate control will likely be decided by two runoffs in the state of Georgia, where the Republican candidates remain favored. These elections will take place in January, so, if you thought the 2020 elections will be over in, well, 2020, think again! Meanwhile, Democrats are set to lose ground in the House of Representatives, with the Republicans currently having gained a net six seats. That said, the former are still very likely to maintain an overall majority, albeit a narrower one than they secured in the 2018 midterms.


Patience. We’re almost there.
