Morning update: Race too close to call. Biden favored.

Posted 10.10am UK time

Good morning, here’s what happened while you slept.

Donald Trump has prematurely declared victory and has even suggested seeking intervention from the Supreme Court. Let’s be very clear, this election is not over. A number of key states remain too close to call. In fact, at this point in time, you would rather be Joe Biden.

The Democratic nominee has likely made one crucial breakthrough in Trump’s red wall, as he currently leads in the state of Arizona. He is also on track to win neighboring Nevada and has secured one electoral vote in Nebraska’s second congressional district. That leaves him twenty six electoral votes short of the magic number.

The election will now likely come down to the three blue wall states which Trump flipped four years ago: Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, the latter of which now shows a narrow Biden lead (with a slither of likely Democratic mail-in votes left to be reported). If Biden flips Wisconsin, he needs sixteen more electoral college votes. These could come from any one of Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania or North Carolina, which all remain too close too call. Trump can still win re-election, but his early lead in the Northern battlegrounds is narrowing.

As expected, turnout is through the roof. Indeed, it is currently projected to be the highest in over one hundred years, with both parties already having surpassed their total 2016 vote.

I’ll keep you posted as more results come in. Stay tuned!


Afternoon update: Biden clearly favored


Back at 10am!