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S D Wickett S D Wickett

Christine Jardine, Lib Dem MP

Asks the PM about major losses in the Scotch Whiskey industry.

PM highlights the benefits of Brexit in alleviating tariffs, slams the SNP in the same breath.

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S D Wickett S D Wickett

Holly Mumby-Croft, Tory MP:

Tells of a constituent in need of a medical procedure not yet available in the UK. Asks the PM to wish the family well, and work to improve medical research.

PM agrees and pledges to boost funding for brain tumour research.

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S D Wickett S D Wickett

Caroline Lucas, Green Party MP

“There is a yawning gulf between the governments green rhetoric and its action”. Provides a message from ‘nine year old Lizzy’, “protect our oceans and people living in poorer countries by banning these exports now.”

PM: Contests that coal has returned large scale, pointing out the diminishes role of fossil fuels between the 1970s and today. Praises Conservative governments for their role in green policy.

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S D Wickett S D Wickett

Peter Aldous, Tory MP:

Asks the PM on the plight of self-employed people. “Will the government emulate Northern Ireland’s self-employed support scheme?”

PM: Expresses sympathy for self-employed people, announces plans within the treasury set to be announced early March.

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S D Wickett S D Wickett

Ian Blackford, SNP MP:

Opens with comments on Holocaust memorial day. “We should never forget that.”

Accuses the PM’s COVID response of lacking leadership, U-turns, and mixed messages, effecting the scale of the pandemic. Asks the PM to comment on criticism from ‘the scientists’.

PM: Reiterates that the government has ‘followed the science’. ‘Everywhere in the UK can be proud’ of the vaccine rollout.

Blackford: Accuses Johnson of ‘repeatedly ignoring’ advice. Asks the PM for clarity on furlough, Universal Credit and other support for the British public.

PM: Once again returns to the vaccine rollout. Claims the government has given ‘unprecedented support’.

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S D Wickett S D Wickett

Pauline Latham, Tory MP:

Opens with the ‘build back better’ slogan woven in. Asks the PM to commit to the completion of HS2.

PM says the government will be publishing the next stage of HS2 development soon, praises the ‘transforming cities fund’.

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S D Wickett S D Wickett

Leader of the Opposition, Keir Starmer. Joining from home due to self isolation:

Joins the PM in his remarks on Holocaust memorial day, pledges to ‘light a candle’.

Probes the PM on the 100,000 Coronavirus deaths in the UK. ‘Why?’ asks Starmer.

PM: “I mourn every death”. Government takes full responsibility. Admits that lessons must be learned. Boasts again on the vaccine rollout.

Starmer: Reiterates the question ‘why?’, demands an answer from the PM before quoting the Chief Scientific Officer to slam the government for complacency.

PM: “There are no easy answers. Perpetual lockdown is no answer.” Pledges to do ‘everything we can’ to give the public what they ‘want and deserve’. Says the government is ‘on target’.

Starmer: Accuses the PM of avoiding the initial question. “Vital lessons won’t be learned.”

Starmer demands that all travellers into the UK be tested and quarantined.

PM: Accuses the Opposition of flip-flopping to undermine the government. Announces further action from the Home Office. calls for Parliament to ‘come together’ to ‘get this thing done’.

Johnson shaking his head in frustration while Starmer speaks. Starmer turns to school reopening. Asks the PM to commit to opening schools up once the most vulnerable have been vaccinated, by vaccinating all teachers and staff during the February half term.

“Of course”, Johnson’s opening response. “We all want open schools.”

Starmer: Claims he is none the wiser as to wether Johnson agrees with him or not, given his convoluted response.

Starmer shifts to home learning, pointing out the lack of access to education for 1/3 of British families.

PM: “I do fully understand.” Talks about government funding into the area. Doesn’t provide a clear comment on reopening schools just yet. Asks Starmer to ‘defy his union paymasters’ and say that schools are safe.

Starmer: Accuses the PM of dodging questions in favour of pre-prepared lines. Returns to the death toll and economic issues. Asks the PM what he would like Starmer to say to the victims of Coronavirus.

PM: “I deeply, personally, regret the loss of life.” Wishes to ‘honour the memory’ by working together and beating the virus, before accusing Starmer of point-scoring during the crisis. PM ends strongly, attacking Starmer while earning vocal cheers from his benches.

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S D Wickett S D Wickett

Rehman Chishti, Tory MP:

Praises the PM for his ‘hard work’ around the vaccine rollout. Asks about the availability of the vaccine in his constituency.

PM ‘shares the frustration’ around the rollout, but finds time to brag about the UK’s vaccination rate.

Pledges a large vaccination centre near to Chishti’s constituency.

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Michael Curzon Michael Curzon

Posted 12.02pm UM time

Speaker Lindsay Hoyle introduces Keir Starmer as the ‘virtual leader of the opposition’. True in more ways than one.

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S D Wickett S D Wickett

PM begins with solemn comments on the Holocaust.

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S D Wickett S D Wickett

Boris Johnson opens proceedings with an address to the house.

The PM is expected to face grilling over COVID-19 after the UK reached 100,000 COVID-related mortalities today. It is also Holocaust memorial day, which should also be highlighted.

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S D Wickett S D Wickett

Posted at 11:55am UK time

Good morning, and welcome to Bournbrook’s Wednesday coverage of Prime Ministers Questions. I’m S.D. Wickett, and I’ll be taking you through proceedings.

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Richard Thomas Richard Thomas

Posted at 9am UK Time

Dr. Aviva Regev suggests on the Independent that the cannabis industry could give the UK economy the boost it needs after Brexit and Covid.

This is utter madness. At a time when mental health (particularly that of the young) is teetering on the brink, I could think of nothing worse than unleashing a dangerous drug well known for being heavily correlated with irreversible mental damage.

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S D Wickett S D Wickett

Posted at 1pm

That’s all for this week, thank you for tuning in and I will see you next week.

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S D Wickett S D Wickett

Stuart McDonald, SNP MP

Asks about the risk of EU-national care workers facing VISA problems during the pandemic.

Johnson thanks the question, ‘respectfully disagrees’, citing four million applications for extended residency.

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S D Wickett S D Wickett

Jason McCartney, Tory MP

Asks the PM about the future of COVID restrictions, once the most vulnerable and frontline workers have been vaccinated.

Johnson thanks the question, refers to expert advice, and says upwards of 1m Britons have been vaccinated.

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S D Wickett S D Wickett

Tulip Siddiq, Labour MP

Asks the PM about the release of a British national imprisoned in Iran.

PM thanks Siddiq for her work in the area, confirms that the government is doing everything that they can to assure their safe return.

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S D Wickett S D Wickett

Ben Bradshaw, Labour MP

Asks PM about comments related to fishermen and musicians being able to work in Europe.

Johnson confirms that some have faced issues with EU red tape. Says Brexit is delivering a ‘huge uplift’ to the economy. By 2026, British fishermen will have full access to British fish.

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S D Wickett S D Wickett

Sir Gary Streeter, Tory MP

Asks the PM about ‘levelling up’ in the South West of England.

Johnson calls the potential of the South West ‘enormous’, assures that the region will receive a large boost in infrastructure.

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S D Wickett S D Wickett

Rosie Cooper, Labour MP

Asks the PM about infrastructure and environment investment.

PM promises that areas at risk of flooding are a priority for investment.

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