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S D Wickett S D Wickett

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S D Wickett S D Wickett

Sajid Javid, Tory MP:

Asks the PM about the findings of a report into the damage being done to key ecosystems, and if the government will use its chairing of the G7 to tackle the issue.

Johnson thanks the question, refers to the G7 as a “landmark event”, and laments the loss of habitats.

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S D Wickett S D Wickett

Yasmin Qureshi, Labour MP:

Asks the PM about cuts and tax increases made by the Tory-dominated Bolton Council, and if the money will be ‘given back to them’.

Johnson congratulates the Bolton Council, doesn’t really answer the question. Qureshi looks disappointed.

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S D Wickett S D Wickett

Dr Kieran Mullan, Tory MP:

Claims that the UK has fallen behind the continent in respects to geothermal energy, asks the PM to meet with him to discuss how geothermal can boost the economy, and ‘build back better’.

Johnson thanks the question and confirms he is happy to meet.

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S D Wickett S D Wickett

Liz Saville Roberts, Plaid Cymru MP:

Asks the government about ‘levelling up’, before referencing the low amount of R&D investment in Wales. Will the government commit to devolved R&D funding?

Johnson accuses Saville Roberts of ‘doing Wales down’, and praises the Welsh aerospace sector. “Wales is at the cutting edge of R&D”.

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S D Wickett S D Wickett

Lee Anderson, Tory MP:

Asks the PM about the employment opportunities in ‘freeports’ in the Red Wall, and for Johnson to confirm that the region won’t be ‘let down again’. Softball.

The PM thanks the question; “our commitment to levelling up is absolutely rock solid”.

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S D Wickett S D Wickett

Ian Blackford, SNP MP:

Opens with the news over a million children under 5 live in poverty. “This should make the government utterly ashamed”. Asks the PM to ‘finally act’.

Johnson replies that the house should be proud of the increase to Universal Credit (followed by another swipe at Labour), praises the winter grant scheme and repeats the ‘arms around the nation’ comment. A new slogan perhaps?

Blackford calls the PM’s response ‘pathetic’, before quoting stories from those affected. Accuses the PM of not caring before citing a report on cuts and requesting a meeting with Johnson.

Johnson ‘rejects entirely’ Blackford’s comments. Blackford looks furious. Johnson ‘bitterly laments’ the poverty being experienced, before calling the SNP a ‘left wing party’, and that their ideas rely on the taxpayer. The speaker jumps in after a few more jabs are thrown toward the Scottish Nationalists.

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S D Wickett S D Wickett

Julian Smith, Tory MP:

Asks the PM for an update on the vaccine supply chain.

Johnson announces the purchase of a further 50M doses, in order to respond ‘at scale’. Johnson admits that ‘re-vaccination’ may be necessary in the Autumn.

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S D Wickett S D Wickett

And now Keir Starmer:

Starmer opens with praise for the vaccine rollout. Asks the PM if the government will extend business relief into April.

Johnson confirms, after giving slightly more grandiose praise for the rollout. Asks Starmer to wait for the budget. Starmer jumps on the last answer: “they need an answer now”.

He follows up by asking about continuation of furlough. Johnson avoids the question completely.

Starmer reminds the PM that he ‘can make decisions for himself’, before citing business leaders who are struggling without adequate support. “Why does the PM think he knows better than British business?”

Johnson replies that there is “no government around the world doing more for business”, before attacking the Labour manifesto for wanting to ‘destroy capitalism’ and asking Starmer to retract proposed policies against pharmaceuticals.

Starmer replies that his side would ‘rather listen to business’, asks the PM to extend the evictions ban. Johnson reiterates that the government will “put their arms around the British people”. Johnson asks Starmer to back the government. Starmer replies with snipes at Johnson’s journalism career, and his relations with Trump and Cummings. Starmer changes track to borders, pointing out rifts within government and other countries with tougher restrictions.

Johnson responds by mentioning the hotel quarantine scheme and justifiable reasons for entering the country. Starmer accuses the PM of “failing to give security”, before suggesting business support and border tightening. Johnson accuses Starmer of ‘bandwagoning’, and Labour of crisis profiteering.

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S D Wickett S D Wickett

The session is about to begin, as Johnson enters the house.

Johnson opens with much shorter remarks than we’ve seen recently.

First question from Gary Sambrook, Tory MP:

Asks the PM to join him in thanking surge testers in his constituency.

Johnson gladly agrees, and ‘encourages’ everyone to get tested and vaccinated.

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S D Wickett S D Wickett

Posted at 11:55 UK time

Good morning, and welcome to this week’s coverage of PMQ’s for Bournbrook. I’m S.D. Wickett, and I’ll be taking you through proceedings, as Boris Johnson is expected to be probed over borders and variants.

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S D Wickett S D Wickett

Posted at 13:05 UK time

That’s all for PMQ’s this week, thanks for tuning in and I hope to see you next week.

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S D Wickett S D Wickett

Angela Crawley, SNP MP:

Asks the PM about quarantine measures for new arrivals in the UK.

Johnson jabs the SNP for their slow vaccine rollout, confirms that Westminster will help Scotland’s rollout, if asked.

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S D Wickett S D Wickett

Tracey Crouch, Tory MP:

Asks the PM to invest in combatting the mental health effects of the pandemic.

PM thanks the question and echoes concern for PTSD among NHS staff.

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S D Wickett S D Wickett

Hywel Wlliiams, Plaid Cymru MP:

Asks the PM to comment on issues faced by Royal Mail in rural areas.

Johnson passes on his sympathies, adding that postal workers will be included in the vaccination drive.

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S D Wickett S D Wickett

Mark Jenkinson, Tory MP:

Thanks the PM for his ‘levelling up’ of the UK and invites Johnson to visit his constituency. Another softball.

Johnson thanks the question, earning a few scattered cheers around the house, accepts the invitation.

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S D Wickett S D Wickett

Rosie Cooper, Labour MP:

Asks the PM about struggling transport infrastructure in Lancashire.

PM ‘appreciates’ the question, and pledges necessary funds.

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S D Wickett S D Wickett

David Davis, Tory MP:

Thanks the PM for his resolve when dealing with Brussels. Asks the PM to consult his advisors on effective techniques used in Spain for lowering COVID figures.

Johnson expresses gratitude and agrees that the government will ‘monitor the situation.

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S D Wickett S D Wickett

Ian Paisley, DUP MP:

References the PM’s comments on Northern Ireland, and claims that the current situation makes Northern Irishmen feel ‘betrayed’ and ‘like foreigners in their own country’. Asks the PM to clarify what he’ll do to help Northern Ireland.

Johnson claims sympathy with the predicament of Northern Ireland, pledges that the government will do what they need to do, including invoking Article 16.

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